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Shaved ice mountain
One good thing about the hot, humid and stormy Taiwan summers? It's a great excuse to eat shaved ice mountain. A pile of shaved ice is heaped with fresh fruit and flavorings, such as mango pieces, juice and sweet condensed milk.
Food blogger Joan H from A Hungry Girl's Guide to Taipei recommends the traditional version -- red bean stuffed tapioca shaved ice.
"Originating in Yilan, my favorite version of this dessert is from Sister Wei Heart," she says. "Scoops of creamy shaved ice topped with honey and condensed milk with a side of chewy boba stuffed with red beans."
Mango shaved ice at Smoothie House, 15 Yong-kang St., Taipei City; +886 2 2321 3367
For classics there's Sister Wei Heart, 35 Jiaoxi Road, Section 5, Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County, Taipei; +886 3 988 9566
CNN:40 of the best Taiwanese foods and drinks