
West Tawian

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Bubble tea

Bubble tea represents the "QQ" food texture that Taiwanese love. The phrase refers to something that is especially chewy, like the tapioca balls that form the "bubbles" in bubble tea. It's said this unusual drink was invented out of boredom.
Chun Shui Tang and Hanlin Tea Room both claim to have invented bubble tea by combining sweetened tapioca pudding (a popular Taiwanese dessert) with tea.
Regardless of which shop did it first, today the city is filled with bubble tea joints. Variations on the theme include taro-flavored tea, jasmine tea and coffee, served cold or hot.
Chun Shui Tang teahouse, 48 Yi-shu St., Longjing, Taichung County; +886 4 2652 8288
Hanlin Tea Room, 313, Section 2, Minzu Road, Tainan City; +886 6 221 2357

CNN:40 of the best Taiwanese foods and drinks

+834 923-345-334
Hanlin Tea Room, 313, Section 2, Minzu Road, Tainan City; +886 6 221 2357